At Langley, we have so much to celebrate and to thank the Lord for all we do and all we have depends on Jesus. We believe that, when we humble ourselves, pray and seek the LORD’s face, He hears and brings healing and transformation.
So, this year, we have set aside 7am to 7pm on Thursday 4th July as our Langley Day of Prayer. Please stand with us in prayer.
There are different ways that you can get involved:
• Commit to pray, for Langley, for one hour (sign up below)
• Set a reminder to pray, for Langley, for a minute or two, every hour between 7am and 7pm
• Join with others across Langley, to pray online for half an hour at 7am, 10am, 2pm and 6.30pm.
• Gather a group together to pray locally (let us know and we can give you some information to guide your prayers).
The Langley Prayer:
Father of compassion,
Be close to the lonely, be hope for the anxious
And to those in darkness, be their light;
Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour,
And to care for those in need,
Strengthen us and all the Langley Family
To comfort the fearful, to lift the broken-hearted
And to assure the isolated of your love, and ours;
For the glory of your kingdom and the beauty of your name.
Thank you for joining us in prayer.
Sign up for the Langley Day of Prayer Join the Teams call here